Exploring BGCFlow result with MKDocs
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How do I look at BGCFlow results?
Starting an mkdocs server of BGCFlow results
Exploring and using BGCFlow Jupyter Notebooks template
- Activate the BGCFlow conda environment (see Part 1 - Introduction)
conda activate bgcflow
Getting a demo report
- Download an example report from Zenodo
wget -O Lactobacillus_delbrueckii_report.zip https://zenodo.org/record/7740349/files/Lactobacillus_delbrueckii_report.zip?download=1 unzip Lactobacillus_delbrueckii_report.zip
Starting BGCFlow mkdocs server
- Move to the report directory and use
bgcflow serve
command to start up a http file server and mkdocs:cd Lactobacillus_delbrueckii_report/Lactobacillus_delbrueckii bgcflow serve --project Lactobacillus_delbrueckii
- The report can be accessed in http://localhost:8001/
Key Points
For each BGCFlow projects, the result is structured as an interactive Markdown documentation that can be modified
Reports are made using Jupyter notebooks running on Python or R environments