This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Selecting rules for analysis


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I set which rules to run?

  • Getting able to select specific BGCflow rules to run

Global Rules

In the previous tutorial, when doing a dry-run, Snakemake will generate this jobs:

Job stats:
job                          count    min threads    max threads
-------------------------  -------  -------------  -------------
all                              1              1              1
antismash                       18              1              1
antismash_db_setup               1              1              1
antismash_summary                1              1              1
downstream_bgc_prep              1              1              1
extract_meta_prokka             18              1              1
extract_ncbi_information         1              1              1
fix_gtdb_taxonomy                1              1              1
format_gbk                      18              1              1
gtdb_prep                       18              1              1
ncbi_genome_download            18              1              1
prokka                          18              1              1
write_dependency_versions        1              1              1
total                          115              1              1

In BGCflow, rules are defined globally in the config.yaml. Rules can be turned on or off by setting the value for each specific rules with TRUE or FALSE.

# This section configures the rules to run globally.
# Use project specific rule configurations if you want to run different rules for each projects.
# rules: set value to TRUE if you want to run the analysis or FALSE if you don't
  seqfu: FALSE
  mlst: FALSE
  refseq-masher: FALSE
  mash: FALSE
  fastani: FALSE
  checkm: FALSE
  prokka-gbk: FALSE
  antismash-summary: TRUE

Notice that the only rules set to TRUE are antismash-summary. So why does Snakemake generate a total of 115 jobs? That is because to generate the final output of antismash-summary, other job outputs are required. Snakemake will trace back all the file dependency of the final output and call every jobs require to generate that file.

The rule setting in the config.yaml applies globally. So if you several projects that require the same analysis, the rule setting will be applied to all those projects.

Project specific rule

What if I want to run different analysis for each projects? For this application, you can override the global rule setting by giving each project a .yaml file containing project specific rule setting. The file contents is exactly the same as the global rule configuration:

# rules: set value to TRUE if you want to run the analysis or FALSE if you don't
  seqfu: TRUE
  mlst: FALSE
  refseq-masher: FALSE
  mash: FALSE
  fastani: FALSE
  checkm: FALSE
  prokka-gbk: FALSE
  antismash-summary: FALSE
  antismash-zip: FALSE
  query-bigslice: FALSE
  bigscape: FALSE
  bigslice: FALSE
  automlst-wrapper: FALSE
  arts: FALSE
  roary: FALSE
  eggnog: FALSE
  eggnog-roary: FALSE
  diamond: FALSE
  diamond-roary: FALSE
  deeptfactor: FALSE
  deeptfactor-roary: FALSE
  cblaster-genome: FALSE
  cblaster-bgc: FALSE

In this rule, we only set to run seqfu, which will quickly give us a summary statistics of our genome sequences. Copy and paste the rule setting above to a new file called project_config.yaml, and save it in the project config folder: config/s_venezuelae/project_config.yaml.

Now, we need to edit the config.yaml so that BGCflow knows that we would like to override the global rule configuration for our s_venezuelae project. Replace the rules values with this:

# Project 1
  - name: s_venezuelae
    samples: config/s_venezuelae/samples.csv
    rules: config/s_venezuelae/project_config.yaml
#    prokka-db: config/examples/_genome_project_example/prokka-db.csv
#    gtdb-tax: config/examples/_genome_project_example/gtdbtk.bac120.summary.tsv

Let’s do a dry-run again:

snakemake -n -r 


  • How many jobs will be generated?
  • Do we succeed in overriding the global rule settting?

Key Points

  • BGCflow rules can be selected by giving a TRUE value to the rules config

  • Global rules applied to all projects and defined in the config.yaml

  • Project specific rules can be given to each project and will override the global rule

  • Project specific rules are written as a separate .yaml file