This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

BGCflow project structure


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I set my BGCflow project?

  • Setting up configuration and files to start a BGCflow project

Setting up your Project Config

Let’s move into our freshly cloned BGCflow folder

cd bgcflow

To run BGCFlow, we need to activate the BGCFlow conda environment and invoke the command line interface:

conda activate bgcflow
bgcflow --help

Setting up your project samples

In this tutorial, we will analyse 18 publicly available Streptomyces venezuelae genomes. To do that, we will need to prepare a sample.csv file with a list of the genome accession ids. Please find the sample.csv for the tutorial here:

This is how the top of the table looks like:

genome_id source organism genus species strain closest_placement_reference
GCF_000253235.1 ncbi       ATCC 10712  
GCF_001592685.1 ncbi       WAC04657  

There are two required columns that needs to be filled:

The other optional metadata that we can provide are:

For now, we will only provide the strain information and leave the taxonomic information blank. For publicly available genomes, BGCflow will try to fetch the taxonomic placement from GTDB release 202.

To set up the config, we will create a project folder named s_venezuelae inside the config directory:

mkdir -p config/s_venezuelae
wget -O config/s_venezuelae/samples.csv

Define your project in the config.yaml

Now that we have our sample file ready, we need to define our project in the config.yaml. An example of the config file can be found in the config/examples/_config_example.yaml. Let’s copy that file and use it as a template:

cp config/examples/_config_example.yaml config/config.yaml

Let’s open the newly created config.yaml. The newly copied config.yaml will have this example project defined:

# Project 1
  - name: example
    samples: config/examples/_genome_project_example/samples.csv
    rules: config/examples/_genome_project_example/project_config.yaml
    prokka-db: config/examples/_genome_project_example/prokka-db.csv
    gtdb-tax: config/examples/_genome_project_example/gtdbtk.bac120.summary.tsv

Replace those lines with this:

# Project 1
  - name: s_venezuelae
    samples: config/s_venezuelae/samples.csv
#    rules: config/examples/_genome_project_example/project_config.yaml
#    prokka-db: config/examples/_genome_project_example/prokka-db.csv
#    gtdb-tax: config/examples/_genome_project_example/gtdbtk.bac120.summary.tsv

For now, we will just use two mandatory variables:

PS: Commented lines will not be processed.

Checking the jobs with Snakemake dry-run

Before, we use the -n when calling snakemake. This parameters means a dry-run, which is used to simulate all the jobs that will be run given the information provided in the config file. You can also add the parameters -r to see the reason why those jobs are generated.

Let’s do a dry run to check if our project is successfully configured:

snakemake -n -r


  • How many jobs will be generated?
  • How many antismash jobs will be generated?
  • Why do each jobs only run with 1 core?
  • What do you think localrule all does?

Key Points

  • A project requires a PEP configuration and a .csv file containing a list of genomes to analyse

  • The project is then defined in the config.yaml file

  • An example of a project config can be found in config/examples