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Summary of Seqfu results from project: [mq_saccharopolyspora]


Seqfu2 provides a sequence statistic overview of the genomes in the dataset.

Genome Statistics Overview

Axis Description
#Seq The number of sequences in the input file.
Total bp The total number of base pairs in all sequences.
Avg The average length of the sequences in base pairs.
N50, N75, N90 The length of the shortest sequence such that the sum of the lengths of all sequences equal to or greater than it is at least 50%, 75%, or 90% of the total length of all sequences.
auN area under the Nx curve.
Min The length of the shortest sequence in base pairs.
Max The length of the longest sequence in base pairs.

These statistics can be useful for assessing the quality and characteristics of a set of sequences, such as a genome assembly or a set of reads.

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