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Summary of cblaster-bgc results from project: [mq_saccharopolyspora]


Build a diamond database of all BGCs in the project for clustered hits from a BLAST search using cblaster.

How to run query from local database

  • Download all files from the CBlaster result:

CBlaster database

  • Install CBlaster conda environment using this yaml configuration (create a file called env.yaml and copy paste the following items to the file). See the conda guide here:
name: cblaster
  - conda-forge
  - default
  - bioconda
  - diamond==2.0.15
  - pip
  - pip:
    - cblaster==1.3.12
  • After having the environment installed, cd to the directory containing all the files, activate the environment, and run queries by:
# activate environment
conda activate cblaster
cblaster search -m local -db cblaster_genome_db.dmnd -qf <query.faa>
  • See CBlaster guide for running local queries here


  • Gilchrist, C., Booth, T. J., van Wersch, B., van Grieken, L., Medema, M. H., & Chooi, Y. (2021). cblaster: a remote search tool for rapid identification and visualisation of homologous gene clusters (Version 1.3.9) [Computer software].

  • Buchfink, B., Xie, C. & Huson, D. H. Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND. Nat. Methods 12, 59–60 (2015).